New E-bike Laws in California

While enjoying riding e-bikes, we also have to follow California's electric bike laws. Therefore, in this article, I'll share everything you need to know about California's electric bike laws and enjoy a nice ride on the CA beach or in the park!
The definition of the e-bike in California e-bike laws
What kind of e-bike is legal in CA? California e-bike law defines an ebike as a ebike with a motor of less than 750W and fully operable pedals. Among them, the California e-bike law also classifies electric bikes, dividing electric bikes into three levels of e-bikes.
Description of Class 1 e-bike
1) Electric bicycle equipped with a motor of less than 750W
2) provide low-speed pedal assist, which means that riders can only use pedal assist to ride e-bikes.
3) And the speed is limited to 20MPH.
Description of Class 2 e-bike
1) Electric bicycle equipped with less than 750W motor used exclusively to propel the bicycle.
2) You can use pedal assist and also throttle.
3) The speed is limited to 20MPH.
Description of Class 3 e-bike
1) Electric bicycle equipped with a motor of less than 750W.
2) you can only use the pedal assist.
3) The speed is limited to 28MPH.
Where can I ride in California?
Electric bikes are the same as bicycles, they are allowed to ride on the cycle lane. Local governments have the authority to restrict the use of electric-bikes, under motor power on bike paths. Therefore if you have any doubts, check with your town, city, or county for local government's rules and regulations. Also, electric bikes may not be ridden on a highway or highway if there is a sign prohibiting electric bikes. In addition, it is illegal to ride Class 3 electric bikes on bike lanes or trails, an equestrian (horse) trail, a hiking trail, or a recreational trail, unless the trail is on or next to a road, or local governments allow you to ride on the trail or road.
Is it possible to ride in the park or beach?
Parks and beaches are popular places for leisurely rides for most people. On August 27, 2021, state parks also issued related policies. Class 1 e-bikes can be ridden in most parks and beaches in California. It is worth noting that only some parks and beaches are open to Class 2 and Class 3 e-bikes. You can check out E-Bikes in California State Parks to learn more about specific locations for riding e-bikes.
In addition, in the State recreation areas in the park, only Class 1 e-bikes are allowed to drive on the bicycle lane. All electric bicycles are allowed to ride on the bicycle lane or controlled-access roads in the State vehicular recreation areas.
Requirements for riders
For Class 3 e-bikes, the allowed speed is faster, reaching 28MPH, therefore there will be some requirements for riders.
1) The Class 3 e-bike riders must be at least 16 years old.
2) You must wear a ebike safety helmet. Whether it is a Class 1, Class 2, or 3 e-bike, it is recommended to wear a helmet when riding, because it can protect your safety in a traffic accident. And it is worth noting that the selected helmet needs to meet the US DOT safety standard, and there is a word DOT on the back of the helmet that is not easy to remove.
3) You are prohibited from transporting passengers.
4) E-bikes may be ridden on bike lanes if authorized by local authority or ordinance.
Do I need a license to ride an e-bike?
Many people worry about whether they can ride on the road without a driver's license. But luckily, you are not required to have a license to ride all classes of e-bikes in California. Regarding license requirements, California has different requirements for two-wheeled vehicles. For example, for motorcycles, you need to have a Class M1 type of license, and for electric bicycles, you are not required to have a license even a Class 3 e-bike.

Preparation and Ride with Euybike
You can also check the California two-wheel handbook to learn all about the e-bike laws.
Choose an e-bike that suits you
When you know the above information, you can start riding. The first step is to choose the e-bike that suits you. Choose your favorite e-bike on the Euybike official website. You can also read the article below to learn more about how to choose the best Euybike for you.
Prepare for riding
When you already have an e-bike, then prepare to ride! You will need to wear appropriate gear and clothing as directed, for example, a helmet with DOT approval, protective clothing with reflective material, gloves, knee pads, etc.
Adjust the electric bike to a suitable height and check the brake. If everything is done, you can enjoy and ride with Euybike!
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