Euybike Review | E-bike Customer Reviews

Based on 749 reviews
Have to get one!!

Bought two of these as an early Christmas gift for my wife and I. Easy to build, just follow directions. Heavy bikes, but that means very sturdy. These things are tanks on the road, I love them. Took them out on a Saturday morning and spent around 2.5hrs riding them. Rode them between 3 and 5 PAS and ran the battery almost completely. Ride is super smooth. Power is there, I felt like I was riding race car. Has the power to get away from other riders riding in a pack. Could definitely outrun any bike we saw on the trails. We put 60 miles on it first time. Took out again next weekend and put another 65+ miles riding at 3 PAS most of the way. Came back with 60% battery. Got plenty of looks, amazement and curious. Passed by a few other e-bikes and none of them compared to this power and looks. Super stoked to have made this purchase. As long as everything continues to work on them, I plan on purchasing extra battery for long haul rides. If you have the money, GET ONE!!

Love this bike well built and pretty damn quick for 700 bucks well worth it. I have a 1400$ schwinn ebike and this makes that look ancient it's 2 years old. I recommend this bike highly!

Ebike Passenger Foot Pegs
Benjamin Higham
Foot Pegs

Hi EuyBike. I like the pegs, seem sturdy, look discreet. My only issue is the bolt they attach to is oblong and because of that the right foot peg can only be attached in an incorrect position because the peg’s “feet” aren’t large enough to get around the oblong shape. Any advice on rotating said bolt?


Got the bike and rode it 50 miles the same day. Great purchase, solid deal and excellent shipping/boxing. Quick to setup. I would buy again.

Best bike in the price range hands down

I've sent this thing off cliffs, I've wrecked into trees, Viciously rode this thing on mountain bike trails, pulled my kids on sleds in the snow, you name it. This bike is a TANK. 750miles and counting and the only thing ive changed is the brakes (once) because I let my very heavy set father ride it a few times. Ill be buying 2 more in the future. Maybe more >:) Seriously cant recommend these things enough.

Happy Halloween!

Great eBike, highly recommend! 👍


They've put over 3,000 miles on this bike and I get compliments all the time Wherever I Go. In addition to how fun it is to ride this thing is a tank. It drives over practically everything in fact I went to meet some friends at the beach and as a joke I started to write it on the sand and I was able to ride it all the way to where my friends were by the water. Thank you EUY

Euybike S4 Long Seat
Damien Binch
The good & the bad

1. Perfect size to finally stretch out and adjust position on the fly without worrying about the groove between seats.
2. Fairly easy to install; the six threaded studs on the seat were misaligned by about 1/4", but it wasn't difficult to persuade them into place. Reminder that the stock passenger pillion uses 5mm Allen bolts, stock driver's seat is 10mm nuts. New seat is 10mm nuts. A cheap open-end wrench is included as are the six nuts. Deep socket is probably best because the studs are long.
3. Quality & construction is good - comparable to the stock seat.

1. Definitely firmer than stock seat. I find this can be managed by the extra ease of being able to adjust position on the go. Euybike's description does say that this seat is firmer - truth.
2. Personally I like the saddle color of the stock seat.

Great bike and customer service

I get many compliments on the bike, and it gets around fast. It is the perfect mode of travel while I go to college. It has great range, speed, looks, and size. The only thing I really wish was that the rear tail light was integrated into the system and didn’t run on a coin battery. Other than that, everything else is very well integrated. It still earns five stars, though.

Euybike S4 Long Seat
Jose A Gonzalez
Very impressed

I think this the seat that should have came with this bike. Awesome seat very comfortable.

Nice Ebike

This e-bike really strong and powerful.

My first ebike

I weigh 295 lb was nervous that it wasn't going to be able to handle my weight. I was wrong this is a monster bike . A loving how comfortable it is.

Fun E-bike

Bike is built well, looks cool and is a lot of fun! Cheers!

Euybike Rear Basket
Scott Diebold
No Disappointments Here!

Very easy to assemble! All the tools needed for assembly were included, and they were all good quality as well.. another 5 🌟 . My goal for my first e-bike was a long-range off-road capability that was fast and collapsible . The reviews/ youtubers on the website led me to believe this was the brand for me. The bike is heavy... but the quality makes up for it BIGTIME! Nothing on the bike seems cheap and is well built, and man is it fast!! My top speed has been 32mph unassisted. Lol, there's no way you're going to assist after 25 anyway 🤣 I made it 47 mile on the first charge. Most of the miles were unassisted up and down moderate hills, and at top speed.. because why not! The first charge took 8 hour as expected. I am now on the second charge and I have been riding the bike (along with everyone that stoppes by + plus my neighbors) every day since it has been delivered. Great Experience !!

Bike Chain Lock
Dave Pretzel

Very nice easy to use, not sure what tool id need to break it, bet it exists.

My first e-bike!!

I LOVE IT!! Great bike, fantastic packing, quick delivery. Love the unique design. Enjoyable first couple of rides - can't wait for some less than 100 degree Texas weather!!

Would really like to have the light under the seat part of the battery - using 2 "coin" 2032 batteries on each ride seems wasteful?!

Will be watching the site for when add-on panniers are back in stock . . .

This thing is as advertised. Highly recommend for the price.

Frickin’ Awesome!

This bike is awesome. Battery is massive. Just went on a 30 mile ride, full throttle with battery to spare. So much fun. Topped out at 33.7 miles a hour down a small hill full throttle! The suspension makes for a smooth ride. I’m on the shorter side 5’7 and I sit on the front seat, so the extended seat wasn’t necessary. Get a lot of people who ask about it and mention how cool it looks. I did a lot of research when looking for a new bike and I couldn’t be happier. Definitely the most bang for your buck with the S4. I love this bike! Hoping to put a lot of miles on this baby!

This Moped is a game changer!

Easy to assemble. Got a quick response when I had some trouble with a part. The bike is beyond fun and rides easily on all surfaces, from the sidewalks to the streets to the sand. Highly recommend for anyone looking for an e-moped—should be at the top of your wishlist!

Best purchase in a long time

Fits in the back of my car, acceleration isn’t too crazy but it’s all that you’ll need. Hitting 30mph with ease. The wide tires lets me take trails at the lake by my house effortlessly even with it being very rough terrain. Couldn’t be happier with the battery life and the performance so far, and I’ve put 101 miles on it in under a week.


Love how they ride, great price for the amazing quality of the bike

Euybike Storage Bag
Cliff Pryor
S4 Just want I needed

I purchased the K6 Pro (K6F) recently so I could fold it up and take on trips in our SUV. I love it, what a blast to ride. I also wanted a moped style of e-bike for trails rides, so I just purchased the S4 Moped-Style and this thing is a beast also. Powerful 1000 watt motor, long battery life and very comfortable ride. We went 22 miles yesterday, mostly using the throttle and still only used less than half the battery. Side note - I’m 5’8” tall and the good news is I can stop on the S4 and put both feet on the ground! Highly recommend!

Best bike

So iv been looking for an electric bike for a while , always reading the specs and looking at my options. This bike has everything i ever wanted in a e bike, full suspension, adjustable suspension in the front, double the battery size then the other competitors in this price range, super comfy, rear seat ,1000w motor, gears, and crazy range , also can go pretty fast over 30mph

Love it

Love the look, very comfortable to ride.

K6 pro

8 days of owning it 144 miles awesome bike with plenty of power time will tell how reliable it is but no complaints as of yet