Texas Electric Bike Laws 2023

In Texas, e-bikes are becoming popular. Young and old buy e-bikes for commuting, shopping, cargo, off-roading, traveling, and more. But before you hop on your e-bike and hit the road, it’s important to know the laws that govern Texas.
What is an electric bike in Texas?
In Texas, an electric bike is a bike equipped with: fully operable pedals; a motor of fewer than 750 watts; and a top pedal-assisted speed of 28 mph or less.
Texas Electric Bike Definition
"Class 1 electric bike" means a bicycle:
1) Equipped with a motor that assists the rider only when the rider is pedaling;
2) Maximum pedal assist speed is 20 mph or less.
"Class 2 electric bike" means a bicycle:
1) have a motor that can be used to propel the bicycle without the rider pedaling;
2) Maximum assisted speed is 20 mph or less.
"Class 3 electric bikes" means a bicycle:
1) Equipped with a motor that assists the rider only when the rider is pedaling
2) Top assist speed above 20 mph but below 28 mph.
Note: speedometer. Whoever produces or sells electric bikes of class 3 ensures that the bikes are equipped with speedometers.

Regulation of bicycles by government departments or local authorities in Texas.
Government departments or local authorities may not prohibit the operation of e-bikes:
(1) Riding on roads mainly used by motor vehicles
(2) In an area where non-electric bicycles are permitted, unless the area is a path:
a) It is not open to motor vehicles;
b) It has a natural surface tread made by clearing and grading the native soil without adding surfacing materials.
Government departments or local authorities can:
(1) Bicycles are prohibited from running on sidewalks;
(2) Set bicycle speed limits on bicycle lanes and other roads where bicycles are allowed.
Note: If necessary, government departments can modify the management rules in this section.
Do I need a driver's license to ride an electric bike in Texas?
First things first: you don’t need a license or any special registration to ride an e-bike in Texas. That’s right – you can just hop on and go! But hold your horses – just because you don’t need a license doesn’t mean you can ignore traffic laws. You still need to follow all the rules of the road when you’re out and about on your e-bike.
Is it safe to ride an e-bike in Texas?
Now let’s talk about safety. Your e-bike needs to have working brakes – that’s a no-brainer. And if you’re riding after dark, make sure your bike has a headlamp with a white light that can project up to 80 feet. You’ll also need either a red rear lamp visible up to 80 feet or a red rear reflector visible up to 100 feet. Whether you're riding on roads or trails, remember to wear a helmet. When you’re riding your e-bike, keep at least one hand free so you can steer properly. And don’t forget to use hand signals when you’re turning – it’s important to let other vehicles know what you’re doing. Regarding Riding safety, we also have 9 electric bike safety tips. This applies whether you're riding in Texas or another state.
Does Texas have a maximum speed limit for E-bikes?
In Texas, e-bike laws apply to motorized bicycles with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour. So if your e-bike falls into this category, make sure you follow all the same traffic laws as regular bicycles.
Is there an age limit for riding an e-bike in Texas?
And here’s some good news: there’s no age limit for riding an e-bike in Texas! The current regulations do not impose restrictions and regulations on the driver's age or whether he or she holds a motor vehicle driver's license, see [Texas Transportation Code 551.352].
So there you have it – everything you need to know about electric bike laws in Texas. Remember: stay safe, follow the rules of the road, and have fun!
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